Lily Pond Glide
Original Oil Painting on Canvas
100 (W) cmx 76 cms (H)
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Original Oil Painting on Canvas
100 (W) cmx 76 cms (H)
Personal Delivery within 200km
Free Delivery
Original Oil Painting on Canvas
100 (W) cmx 76 cms (H)
Personal Delivery within 200km
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Lily Pond Glide
To sit and watch all the worlds and ways of lily ponds never gets old.
You can feel yourself slipping into the micro worlds and becoming one with the pond.
Your dragon fly mind skims in across the reflections, hovers across the pads and eventually buzzes along the flower hotspots.
It is then that your attention finds the bank of sunlight further out in the deeper channels. And further still, across the reflections into the far side of the Lily Pond.
. For a moment, maybe minutes, you have travelled through the worlds of the Lily Pond like those that spend their lives in this idle water world of flowers, lily pads, shimmers and reflections.